Friday, February 5, 2016

The Wilderness- Being Unmade

The Wilderness- Being Unmade

“Father God can you hear the prayer I'm sending out tonight
the voice of fear makes things unclear I call on you with all my might,
I haven't done the best I can, please reach down and hold my trembling Hand
Father God”

“The path that truly heals and redeems begins at the point when we realize we want more perspective purpose and passion in life” from Dan B Allender's book “The Healing Path”

“If we run from what we fear or find displeasure, we actually rob our selves of the joy God intends for us to experience as we walk through our past, (not around or over it) play with our future and live now with new passion” from Dan B Allender's book “The Healing Path”

Everyone has their own wilderness and at times in our lives it is imperative that we go there. The place where we can wander and rediscover who we really are. Initially I felt so incredibly lost in my wilderness, but soon it became a place of healing. My wilderness consisted of a few different physical places. Places where I could be what ever I was feeling that day. One of my favourite places in my wilderness were the endless railway tracks starting 10 minutes North West from where I live. I would put in my headphones and just let the music wash over me, and I would walk, dance, run down the tracks. I would laugh, I would hope, I would dream, and I would cry. In this wilderness I was free.  I was being unmade. I needed to be. I discovered so many things about myself there. A place where it was just me. Another place which became a comfort to me is a small bar and grill where friends are in abundant and I got to forget about what I was going through for an evening , where I learned to laugh again, and was always accepted where ever I was at in my journey... and for that I will be forever grateful... Another favourite place was road 432 not really a wilderness. Every Saturday in the early mornings it became my sanctuary... I would park my car... and walk 4 miles one way and 4 miles back... Music pumping..I was able to have a long conversation with Papa, and when I got home... without fail I felt refreshed and rescued.

And now, here’s what I’m going to do: I’m going to start all over again. I’m taking her back out into the wilderness where we had our first date, and I’ll court her.I’ll give her bouquets of roses. I’ll turn Heartbreak Valley into Acres of Hope”. Hosea 2:14-15(a) Message

Your wilderness changes you. And it grows you IF you let it. I ran into Jesus in my wilderness, everyday.... and that is where my healing began.. . When wandering in our wilderness we will meet up with the damage of our past. It wasn't fun and some days it hurt like hell. But we all need to be “Unmade” at some point in our lives. There is a real beauty in the breaking of us. For me healing is worth the pain of being broken. Don't be afraid to wander... the Wilderness sounds scary and disconnected... and it can be, –but only if you are afraid of change and what you might discover about yourself. So just take Papa's hand, He will wander with you. And remember this is but a season.

Watch for a Blog entry coming up in the near future  “Restored and Rescued: The coming back...

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