Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Excerpts from my Journal-2015

Excerpts from my Journal-2015

Aug 15 -Being Still: As I was fasting.. Jesus pressed it upon me that I needed to be still. And God asking me to be still is like me asking a 2 year old to be still... Next to impossible.. Glad He knows He has His work cut out for Him. But He is my Papa and the love of my life... He told me that my journey would be hard and promised that He would never leave me.... 

John 7:38 – He who believes in Me, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water... Oh I love Life... 

Aug 19, - And Jesus says wait... and I don't want to. See I even know how to sound like a kid. Jesus thank you for the friends in my life that make me laugh, The people in my life that cause my heart to grow. My best friends that challenge me, and keep my head screwed on straight lol. My heart belongs to You Lord.

Aug 27 - As I am going through the phases of my divorce... there are people on all sides trying to fix me... and right now I don't need fixing.. I need to wander in my own wilderness... and Jesus will meet me there... to walk and talk like the good friends that we are.

Isaiah 43:1-2a Since you are precious in My sight, you have been honored, and I have Loved you. Therefore I will give people for your life.... Aaaah WOW....

Aug 29, My heart is still... and oh the peace...A season of peace and rest...Jesus said to me “Trust Me and My peace will encompass you” Make Me First – I heard this song on the radio.. and it really spoke to me heart

Lauren Dagle: “First”

Before I bring my need I will bring my heart.
Before I lift my cares I will lift my arms... I want to know You... FIRST

Aug 31, Today I ask Papa what He saw when He looked at me... Beauty.. and the righteousness of God! Permanent smile on my face... 

Dec 19 - I do not like to feel my feelings. But... feeling my feelings when I am with my best friend is safe... It doesn't matter what I am feeling I am just able to feel without judgement.. with out the threat of being rejected. Thank you for being a part of my life and allowing me to be a part of yours and for just "being" with me. 

Don't let your circumstances dictate your attitude! Amen.

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