Friday, May 27, 2016

Daddy Teach Me How to Dance Again.

Every child wants to dance with their Daddy…

I prayed “Daddy teach me how to dance again” I closed my eyes and saw this picture of a child being picked up in her Father’s arms, as she was still learning to walk and was constantly falling when she tried to dance, her eyes are closed and her trust in Him complete. He lifted her high, He twirled her around, making her laugh in pure delight. It brought Him so much pleasure so see her this way, completely one with Him. Then as she grew and wanted to dance on the floor she starts by clumsily stepping on her daddy’s feet, never letting go of His hands and always allowing Him to lead.

There are so many things that seem to distract us from our true life dance partner, dancing to beat of our own drum or the even the drum of someone else.  We use phrases like “Life happened” or “Life got in the way” or “I just wanted to have some fun” and most commonly used lately “I deserve to be happy” and when we pursue what we call life we let go of the One who taught us how to dance in the first place.  That is what happens when we stop listening to the music! We try to take the lead and get lost,

When we walk with someone, there isn’t much interaction. You walk side by side maybe hand in hand, maybe in deep conversation. But when you are dancing, you are moving together, synchronized and balanced creating a harmony so beautiful unlike any you have ever experienced. Our relationship with God needs to be more of a dance than a walk. Following His lead… sometimes a slow dance, and sometimes a salsa. He moves, we move,  He steps, we step, Dancing requires us to trust our dancing partner..  and in a giving and receiving relationship it creates a life dance that leads others to see His glory, I want to dance again…and not just move to my own music but to His.  I want others to see His glory in the way I live, the way I love and the way I step

Life is a beautiful dance,
Sometimes we take a misstep,
But we can always find “His” feet again

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