Friday, March 4, 2016

Love Always Protects

“God does – who God is: LOVE”

The love of God is greater far
Than tongue or pen can ever tell;
It goes beyond the highest star,
And reaches to the lowest hell...

Oh, love of God, how rich and pure!
How measureless and strong...
- Frederick Martin Lehman

This morning, I sit here tears streaming down my face. All my life I have been strong, I know how and what to do to “make” it. I have built up walls to protect my heart. I know that as long as my walls are in place “it” won't hurt.. as much that is.

I belong to an amazing group of women – Our motto is “Love always protects” but that is not the reason that I am writing this... We get together every Thursday night. Yesterday was a great day... I hadn't shed too many tears... only a few of pure joy :) God has a way that completely changes that -we were asked to choose a small slip of paper and on each piece there was a part of 1 Corinthians 13, I prayed that I would get the one that God wanted me to have. Thinking I would get one that might convict me. But nope God had an entirely different idea in mind. “Love always protects”

I think I love the conviction of God... because it means that I have to do something to change... and I am very good at “doing” But when I got my slip of paper, I put it on my knee and immediately felt Holy Spirit moving. And in an instant the tears started. I knew what Papa was saying to me “I love you my daughter” Aren't you tired of protecting yourself? Why don't you let me do that for you. I can't promise that you won't ever hurt again, but I can promise that I will be there when you do. Papa doesn't want me to “do” He wants me to “Be” For the past year I have heard him say “be still - let Me love you”

When trust is broken it is so hard to even know what love looks like. I know what I want it to look like. But it is so much more, so much deeper and much more encompassing than anything I can ever fathom. Every day as I choose to let Papa love me, through my children, through my friends, and even complete strangers. I still ask the question "am I able to trust that love"? And yet every day and very gently Papa shows me that I can. My walls are coming down, because although they help me protect myself from pain, they also don't allow others close enough to love me. And that is a very lonely place to be.

No matter where you are in your journey, in what chapter of your story you are in. You are deeply loved. I know that you have been hurt, I know that you have made choices that you think He will not be able to forgive. I know that trusting the love of God is a hard choice. But He does love you. Be still allow His love to consume, to protect, and overwhelm you.

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